Monday, October 25, 2010

Final Midterm Posters (Critiqued)

Comments on Graduation Poster: 
Jevon - Needs some sort of background. Brush work is excellent. The diploma gets a little lost.
Lindsay - The drop shadow is too strong. Great texture and feel.

Response: I decided to remove the drop shadow and put a transparent box around the text so it appears to have a type of background. I wanted it simple and to have a kind of t-shirt appeal, because the text already has that feeling.

Comments on Beach Poster:
Jevon - Empty at the bottom. It should be more tied in to midterms.
Lindsay: Terrific contrast. Like the texture the brushwork creates. It gives the viewer the feeling they are there and could reach out and feel the sand or the water.

Response: I put more brushwork at the bottom to create more depth and texture. 

Final Midterm Posters (Not Critiqued)