Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Swastika and the Peace Symbol

After reading "The Swastika", I realized that the Swastika was not just used for the Nazi people, but was used long before that time, and does not necessarily need to be loathed. However,  I did choose the above images because they represent a certain type of people or a belief they have. The elephant and donkey are symbols for Republicans and Liberals, which tell one their belief in politics. The Obama campaign symbol was chosen because it symbolizes the people who wanted hope and change and believed in him. I then chose the GLBT logo because it represents a group of people, while simultaneously representing multiple types of people. 

After reading "The Peace Symbol",  I chose finger symbol for sign, as it invokes about the same feelings that the "ND" peace sign does. They both were a call for peace, not war and have now turned into trendy signage. The ying yang symbol was chosen because it conveys unity, as the "ND" sign conveys peace while both being in circle form. I found the Ankh symbol and thought that it also fit into this meaningful, but now trendy type of symbol, because it is the key of life and you can now see this and the ying yang sign tattoos on people. 


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Symbols:The Alphabet of Human Thought

After reading the article "Symbols: The Alphabet of Humand Thought", I chose the iconic Apple logo as one of my images, because in today's culture Apple can be seen almost anywhere and everyone knows it.

Thinking along of the lines of Apple and logos, symbols, and signs I then chose the Abbey Road sign, because Apple has just recently released the Beatles' albums for iTunes. This is yet another sign many people know.

From the Apple logo, I chose Disney's colored logo. It reminded me of the rainbow appearance that Apple's older colored logo had.