Sunday, August 29, 2010

Heroic Icons - War Bonds

This poster is very like "War Bonds" with a sweeter side. The tagline "to have and to hold" is in both posters and so is "War Bonds". How ever, this poster portrays a home enviroment and speaks to a different target audience. The style is quite different, but they both geth the same point across. 

This poster reminded me of the "War Bonds" poster because it is in almost the same category: war. This image similarily pushes buying bonds. Its purpose is to scare the target audience, mothers at the time, to purchase these bonds.

This poster reminded me of the one above because it is also using scare tactics and intimidation. The fonts are similar with their bold, crisp letters. Deep and primary colors in both show the sense of urgency.

Monday, August 23, 2010

WPA Posters

A.  This palette is made up of earth tones. The colors interact with each other so that they are giving off a peaceful feeling. The red brings forth a striking element to the poster's terra cotta base. 
B. Compared to photographs of statues, the artist took a more freeing style. The lines are loose and whimsical. This effect maybe due to the fact the poster is advertising music. Although there one can see it as a sculpture piece, because the head is absent much like the arms of Venus de Milo.
C. The poster is attempting to bring in an audience to the concerts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The depiction of a statue symbolizes art and the way it is illustrated shows a music like quality in the poster.

A. The color palette is cool and works well with this poster. It gives a timid feeling and makes the poster feel non-threatening and calming. Coercing the viewer to follow whatever the poster may introduce.
B. The artist takes a curvilinear style, emphasizing the postman. The distinct shapes help contrast the 
two - dimensional figure. 
C. The poster is successful in convincing a viewer, because it invites them in with a calming, cool feeling. It helps make writing and mailing a letter seem easy and carefree. 

A. This palette is cool and monochromatic. The blues harmonize, setting the scene by creating depth. 
B.  The artist took a simple silhouette style. The figures look so tiny and the overlapping effect makes the rocks look big.
C. It is extremely persuasive, because it is a travel bureau showing tourists in relation to the attraction they are viewing. Again, it is monochromatic blue and this gives a sense of calm, which makes sense since they are trying to sell vacations and traveling.